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Volume 1: Finis
The Addendum completes the commentary on H.P. Blavatsky's "Cosmogenesis." The stage is now set to explore the evolutionary ladder of...

Volume 1: Addendum
This commentary passed over the pages in The Secret Doctrine 1:153-190 because they break up the flow of the seven Stanzas. But a few...

Volume 1:647-676
In the two closing chapters of "Cosmogenesis," H.P. Blavatsky examined the evolution of mankind against the backdrop of the zodiac....

Volume 1:634-647
In Chapter XVI, H.P. Blavatsky developed the theme of karma and destiny. Exoterically, karma is nothing more than "action." Esoterically,...

Volume 1:610-634
H.P. Blavatsky's chapter on "Gods, Monads, and Atoms" is one of the most famous sections in The Secret Doctrine. (Chapter XV). GODS,...

Volume 1:588-610
In Chapters XIII and XIV, H.P. Blavatsky analyzed Immanuel Kant's Nebular theory. (Chapter XIII). SCIENTIFIC AND ESOTERIC EVIDENCE FOR,...

Volume 1:579-587
In Chapter XII, H.P. Blavatsky shifted her focus away from the microcosm to revisit the macrocosm. (Chapter XII). ANCIENT THOUGHT IN...

Volume 1:566-578
H.P. Blavatsky explored the inner and outer aspects of an atom in Chapter XI. (Chapter XI). ON THE ELEMENTS AND ATOMS: The title...

Volume 1:554-566
H.P. Blavatsky's purpose in the third part of "Cosmogenesis" is to lead the reader to the bottom of kosmic manifestation and then upwards...

Volume 1:506-554
H.P. Blavatsky proceeded with her examination of light as microcosmic substances in Chapters VI, VII, VIII, and IX in the third part of...

Volume 1:477-506
In the third part of "Cosmogenesis," H.P. Blavatsky turned her attention to science. (Chapter I). REASONS FOR THESE ADDENDA: Light is...

Volume 1:460-473
With Chapters XIV and XV, H.P. Blavatsky completed her analysis on Symbolism in the second part of "Cosmogenesis." (Chapter XIV). THE...

Volume 1:445-460
Chapter XIII is entitled "The Seven Creations," but H.P. Blavatsky sought to illuminate the 8th and 9th stages of the "inner man" in...

Volume 1:424-445
In Chapter XII, H.P. Blavatsky distinguished between the seven-fold Creative Gods and the ten-fold Kosmos. (Chapter XII). THE THEOGONY OF...

Volume 1:411-424
In Chapter XI, the "Sons of God" (the materializing Demiurge) penetrate the Mundane Egg and become "Fallen Angels" in the lower realms....

Volume 1:379-411
In Chapters VIII, IX, and X, H.P. Blavatsky traced the light of the central point into the Central Sun, the Solar Sun, and the Moon....

Volume 1:368-378
In Chapter VII, H.P. Blavatsky discussed the Days and Nights of Brahma in their relation to the Life of Brahma in a Great Age. (Chapter...

Volume 1:359-368
In Chapter VI, H.P. Blavatsky described the seven-fold Mundane Egg from the perspective of various world religions. (Chapter VI). THE...

Volume 1:325-358
H.P. Blavatsky continued her discussion on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Logos in the Kosmos in Chapters III, IV, and V in the second part of...

Volume 1:302-325
In the Seven Stanzas in the first part of "Cosmogenesis," H.P. Blavatsky documented the core theosophical teachings on Cosmic evolution....
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