The first part of the Sixth Stanza focuses on the three divisions of procreation (including a-sexual to bi-sexual to fully individualized sexual human beings) in the Second and Third Root-Races. In the first two divisions, mankind is oviparous in the sense that the human egg is "SWEAT-BORN" from a gradually physicalizing body. It detaches from the body through oozing pores of different external orifices and the embryo develops from within the detached human egg. The third division is contemporary sexual reproduction in that the embryo develops from an egg but within the female womb. It is birthed from only one specific orifice. At first, the embryos that develop within the detached human egg are bi-sexual hermaphrodites. Over millions of years, the embryos slowly trend towards displaying one biological sex or the other. At some point, one of the embryos hatches out of its egg as a fully formed male or female. Its "SWEAT-BORN" days are over. But the process of physicalizing into modern sexual reproduction is gradual. All three reproductive modes exist side by side in the humanities of the Third Root-Race. For H.P. Blavatsky in The Secret Doctrine 2:134, Cain and Abel represent the gradually "Separating Hermaphrodite" of the first two divisions which finally produce the contemporary man of the third division, Seth-Enos, who is often referred to as the "Fourth" but is actually the "Third, the last semi-spiritual race, which was also the last vehicle of the divine and innate Wisdom, ingenerate in the Enochs, the Seers of that Mankind."
To understand this, one can turn to the Islamic tradition with its richness of history and myth. Adam's story begins when he falls to Earth from the Garden of Eden when the Earth was larger than it is now, and he was larger than humans are today. Adam's head reaches upwards to the heavens and into the presence of God and the angels. But the angels are upset with Adam's huge stature so Allah reduces him in size so he can no longer hear and smell the Garden of Eden. According to Sahih al-Bukhari's 9th century AD Hadith, "Allah creates Adam, making him 60 cubits tall." Adam continues shrinking from 60 cubits, or about 90 feet, to his current height of approximately 6 feet since "people have been decreasing in stature since Adam's creation." As Adam shrinks, the size of the Earth shrinks. In Brannon Wheeler's Mecca and Eden on page 121, the size of a "grain" is said to have shrunk from an ostrich egg to a hen's egg to a hazelnut and finally to a pea by the age of Ezra and the Old Testament. By correlation, the human egg cell has shrunk along with it over the ages.
The characteristics that Adam possesses during his "Fall" are veiled to conceal the specific chronology of man's evolution, but close inspection can establish a sequence.There are three main stages in the evolution of humanity from its earliest prototypes. Adam is described in three different ways to symbolize these three main stages. Through these three main stages, he is shown as a generic symbol for the evolution of mankind. In The Secret Doctrine 2:125, "Adam stands for the primitive human race." In Mecca and Eden on page 57, Adam is variously described as possessing a body of light, a body of fingernails, or a body covered with hair and feathers. In the 9th century AD collection, The History of al-Tabari 1:276, 297-299, and 332, Adam initially has a body of light with no hair, "When Adam fell down, his head brushed against heaven. As a result, he became bald, and he passed on baldness to his children." Here, his baldness symbolizes the pre-pubescence of a sexless shadow. Over time, a fingernail-like substance, "beautiful as pearl" with "whiteness" and "sheerness," covers his body as a "film of light." A film is a thin layer issuing from the original substance like a fingernail fleshing out into hardened skin. This suggests that Adam is slowly condensing and becoming physical. He is not yet fully gendered because the cover of "fingernails" keeps his "secret parts" concealed. Finally, Adam develops a body covered with hair and feathers. The hair may have been so abundantly long that it gave a feather-like appearance, or the feathers may have been the means of expressing man's ability to fly. But even at this stage, Adam's sexual organs are not completely evolved, "Your father Adam was as tall as a very tall palm (30 meters). He had much hair, and his privy parts were concealed." His privy parts are concealed because he is only trending towards maleness as the "Separating Hermaphrodite." In hindsight, it is no wonder that H.P. Blavatsky emphasized in Isis Unveiled 2:460 that there were men of "different races" alive at the same time.
Adam and Eve do not have sex in the Garden of Eden. Only on Earth after the "Fall" does the angel Gabriel teach them the function of their genitals. Here, Gabriel stands in for "Ophis, the manifested Logos [ed. the 3rd] and the androgyne," in The Secret Doctrine 2:215 who teaches "mankind to become creators in their turn." Stories suggest that Adam enjoys sex. There is "no sin intended" in following the advice of the "Serpents of Wisdom" to eat of the Tree of Knowledge in Genesis 3 since Ophis or Gabriel, as the sexual teacher, is the "Lord God" himself. But there is an in-between phase of reproduction that has largely been forgotten. Although Adam is thrown out of the Garden of Eden, he is not immediately thrown out of heaven. In heaven, Adam gives birth to a multitude of children through a-sexual means. In The History 1:307, God makes Adam bring forth "tiny ants, white like pearls" by rubbing the right side of his back. And God continued to bring forth the progeny of Adam's descendants in the same way. Reference to a-sexual generation can be found in certain translations of the Quran (M.H. Shakir) in Surah 7.172, "And when your Lord brought forth the children of Adam, from their back, their descendants." Some translations of the Quran substitute "loins" for "back." This eliminates the difficulty of explaining why tiny little ants as white-like pearls are budding from Adam's body to evolve into children.
With the emergence of the bi-sexual hermaphrodites, reproduction takes another interesting turn. In The History 1:308-310, "every boy born to Adam was born together with a girl." Further, "Eve reportedly used to carry only twins, one male and one female, and in twenty pregnancies, she bore from Adam's loins forty children, male and female." This happens because each twin is one person, not two. That is, Adam and Eve's children are male and female combined in one body. Some of them are even the two-headed, four legged monstrosities of the early races that Zeus divides in half from Plato's circular pudding bags. Over time, the bi-sexual bodies trend towards one sex or the other. Therefore, it becomes possible for Adam to marry a male-trending child who has reached puberty to a female-trending child who has reached puberty. Anak (sometimes depicted as the first child of Adam and Eve) is the first daughter whose dominant female tendencies give her the necessary genitalia to make this possible. If the idea of early human beings trending towards a dominance in either the male or female sex is valid, the tale of Cain and Abel takes on new meaning. According to the custom established by Adam, Cain wants to marry Abel's twin, but Abel refuses. In The Secret Doctrine 2:134, mankind grows "in androgynous pairs, till they were separated at a subsequent modification of human form." If Abel in his pseudo-androgyny is only a partly feminized human being or if he has not yet been separated from his female counterpart, it makes perfect sense that he might reject the advances of the more male brother. By this time, Cain's "secret parts" are probably not hidden by hair. Bloodshed follows in the deflowering of Abel's pseudo-womanhood.
The story of Adam and Eve closes with the birth of their son, Seth. In The History 1:324, he is "born without a twin." This implies that Seth is not a hermaphrodite. When Eve gives birth in her "first pregnancy" in The History 1:321, Iblis, taking on the role of a sexual Trickster, teases her, "Where will this one come out, from your nose, your eye, or your mouth?" In a sleight-of-hand, he is making fun of the distinction between Eve's vaginal birthing pangs and the birthing pangs of previous generations from their oozing pores when children literally came out from anywhere on the human body. Iblis kills many of Adam and Eve's children, but Adam knows that Seth's bloodline is special. He realizes that Seth's descendants possess a moral compass that Cain's descendants do not possess. Eventually, the children of Cain die in the Flood (Noah's ark and the Fourth Root-Race) and only the children of Seth remain.
H.P. Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled (Pasadena: Theosophical University Press, 1998).
H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine (Pasadena: Theosophical University Press, 2019).
Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 55, #543. Retrieved from
Frank Rosenthal, trans., The History of al-Tabari, Vol. 1 (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989).
M.H. Shakir, trans., The Quran: A Translation (Elmhurst: Tahrike Tahsile Quran, Inc., 2003).
Brannon Wheeler, Mecca and Eden: Ritual, Relics, and Territory in Islam (Chicago: The University Chicago Press, 2006).
(Photo by German Krupenin on Unsplash)