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Volume 1:99-105

In the Fourth Stanza, the "Mother of the Gods" (OR "DEVA-MATRI") rejects her son, the Solar Sun, when he ripens and assumes a spheroidal shape. H.P. Blavatsky recounted an allegory, "Eight Sons were born from the body of Aditi; she approached the gods with seven, but cast away the eighth, Marttanda." The "seven" are the planets; the "eighth" is the Solar Sun. Over time, the Solar Sun fills himself with the "breath and refuse" of his mother's body (the material side of Nature in Cosmic Kama) and she rejects him because the Solar Sun is only a minor "reflection" of the grandeur of the "Central Spiritual Sun."

The situation becomes clearer when one turns to G. de Purucker's statements on the Solar Sun and the planets in Fountain-Source on page 320. Here, he referenced H.P. Blavatsky's seven planets. Then he suggested that four additional planets and the Solar Sun itself constituted a more complete twelve-fold solar kingdom. That is, the Solar Sun never properly belongs with its brother planets from the beginning. In a twelve-fold system, the highest and lowest levels connect the ten levels in between to a superior and an inferior hierarchy. Therefore, the Solar Sun is the connecting link to a superior hierarchy ruling over the planets. It is never entirely part of the eleven-fold (or seven-fold) kingdom beneath it. While it is true that the planets begin their lives as "brilliant suns," they flame out more quickly through the passage of time. In the creation of a solar system as a section of a larger universal solar system (ruled by a Central Sun as a "parent Sun), the planets and the Solar Sun all detach similarly from the "central nucleus," but the Solar Sun simply detaches earlier. Therefore, its own life cycle extends many Manvantaras beyond the life cycles of the planets in its kingdom. But it is an "elder, bigger brother," not a "father," since H.P. Blavatsky already explained that the "Sun and Planets" are established by the "Mother" alone. In a sense, the Solar Sun's pull (as the connecting link between two hierarchies) is downwards (despite being a "central Star and not a planet") towards the inferior hierarchy of its brother planets and, for this reason, it is filling itself with refuse.

There is a boundary line between the Solar Sun and the Central Sun; the Lipika are arrayed on this boundary line. The Lipika are arrayed at every boundary line. They also exist on the boundary line between the Central Sun and the central point of the Great Breath. When the manifested expression of Brahma in the Great Age dies, the Lipika serve as the conduit for the higher aspects of each evolving entity to transmigrate into superior hierarchies, traversing the realms of the Equatorial Suns (Mahat), the Polar Suns (Adi-Buddhi), and finally the Central Sun (Paramatman). When a human being dies, he undergoes a "Second Death," which means that the nobler aspects in his individual Kama principle pull away and up into his higher Manas to continue their journey into Buddhi and Atman. The Lipika guard the gateway through each principle, whether belonging to a universe, a solar system, or a human being. When the manifested Brahma dies, he undergoes a Second Death in the Maha-Pralaya, which means that the nobler aspects of a solar kingdom (in the Cosmic Kama principle) pull away and up into the regions of the greater cosmic suns. Acknowledging this grander spiritual expanse into which the solar principles enter (guided by the Lipika), H.P. Blavatsky closed the Fourth Stanza in wonderment with the realization that "the Lipika are not deities connected with Death, but with Life Eternal."


H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine (Pasadena: Theosophical University Press, 2019).

G. de Purucker, Fountain-Source of Occultism (Pasadena: Theosophical University Press, 1974).

(Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash)


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