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Volume 1:108-112

H.P. Blavatsky remained focused on the cosmic suns, the solar system, and the planets in the Fifth Stanza. A Dhyani-Buddha is at the heart of a Solar Sun whose "heart" is a stream of consciousness pouring in from Avalokitesvara and Amitabha Buddha. We know this is her focus because she introduced the Dhyani-Buddhas with a few words on Fohat, the "Messenger" of "Occult Wisdom" (streaming through the Mundane Egg) who shares the inspiration of its galactic knowledge with the "Primordial Seven."

In Fountain-Source on page 507, G. de Purucker described Avalokitesvara as the "entitative buddhi of cosmic Kama" whereas Amitabha is the "wisdom or intelligence of the solar universe." This means that Avalokitesvara corresponds with the Alaya and Amitabha with the Paramatman in a solar system. Here, he is equating Avalokitesvara with his female aspect, Kwan-Yin. Now, Kwan-Yin is the secondary darkness (6th cosmical principle) in the Mundane Egg which serves as the underbelly of the shining light of Kwan-Shi-Yin (7th cosmical principle). But it is not so simple since, as H.P. Blavatsky explained in The Secret Doctrine 1:471, Kwan-Shi-Yin is also the "Self-manifested" and the "Son of the Father." He both rides Kala-Hansa (the "black aquatic bird") and is Kala-Hansa (as in the relationship between Brahman and Brahma). Therefore, Kwan-Shi-Yin is a dual symbol representing the 7th cosmical principle (the Father in the Mundane Egg) as well as the 5th cosmical principle (the Son in the Mundane Egg). While H.P. Blavatsky often labelled the Father as the 1st Logos and the Son as the 2nd Logos, T. Subba Row in his Collected Writings 2:416 said it is "not so in reality" since the child emanates from the womb of the Mother or the 2nd Logos. The darkness of the Mother intervenes between the two shining lights. Kwan-Yin, as the 6th cosmical principle, is the spouse of the Father and the Mother of the child. Thus, the upper three cosmical principles (7th, 6th, and 5th) mirror the pattern of the immaculate white disk (1st Logos), the dull black ground (2nd Logos), and the central point (3rd Logos) to reflect the order of the Divine Thought into the Mundane Egg.

All these cosmical principles blend so they can be represented in different ways. For example, Avalokitesvara reaches down into Mahat, but he also reaches up into Paramatman. Therefore, Mahat and Paramatman can both be referred to as the "great Dragon of Wisdom." Amitabha reaches down into Alaya, but he also reaches up to the central point. In Fountain-Source on pages 507-508, G. de Purucker labelled Avalokitesvara as the 3rd Logos, Amitabha as the 2nd Logos, and Adi-Buddha as the 1st Logos. But in Studies on page 310 he labelled Avalokitesvara as the 3rd Logos, Alaya as the 2nd Logos, and Amitabha as the 1st Logos of a solar system. This enumeration of the logoi elaborates the stages within the Mundane Egg, not the larger Kosmos outside (which includes the successive stages of the central point, the dull black ground, and the immaculate white disk beyond the 5th, 6th, and 7th cosmical principles). Thus, Avalokitesvara and Amitabha symbolize how the cosmic suns in a universal solar system interact with our Solar Sun and the evolving entities on the planetary chains.

It is Fohat that brings the quaternary of suns into union. The "Divine Son" (the central point) breaks forth and Fohat "becomes the propelling force which causes the ONE to become TWO and THREE--on the Cosmic plane of manifestation." If one reviews G. de Purucker's diagram in Fountain-Source on page 437, the "ONE" (Central Sun) corresponds to Paramatman, the "TWO" (Polar Sun) corresponds to Alaya, and the "THREE" (Equatorial Sun) corresponds to Mahat. The "Will of the Creative Logos," or the "ONE" as the Central Sun, "unites and brings together all forms, giving them the first impulse which becomes in time law." This impulse towards unity paradoxically splinters the Cosmos and this "triple One" differentiates "into the many." Fohat obeys this impulse to become the "force which brings together the elemental atoms and makes them aggregate and combine"--the origin of Cosmic Kama or the fourth, our Solar Sun.

When H.P. Blavatsky wrote about Adi-Buddha manifesting itself as Avalokitesvara, she referred to the "THREE" or the 3rd Logos of the solar system. In world mythologies, the Egyptian Osiris, the Zoroastrian Ahura-Mazda, the Hermetic Heavenly Man, the Platonic Logos, and the Vedantin Atman all correspond to Mahat (as a cosmic sun) shining over the Solar Sun. Mahat is consistently spoken of as being seven-fold for three reasons: 1) it possesses the seven Fohatic energies of the Mundane Egg flowing through it 2) it transfers these seven Fohatic energies to the Solar Sun which in turn transfers them to the planets 3) it carries the experiences of the Solar Sun up into Paramatman at the close of the Great Age. This 3rd Logos of the solar system conveys to the evolving entities within a solar system in a more personal manner the "Will" of the 1st Logos, or the Central Sun. In Collected Writings 2:417-419, T. Subba Row explained that a human being can hear the "infallible voice" of the Central Sun. This voice bathes the entire Earth. But the voice is not one of man's seven human principles, indicating that it comes from the central point tincturing the auric self-hood of the Central Sun. T. Subba Row clarified, "You cannot locate it on any one plane. It seems to be on all the planes. When it does incarnate, it begins to sound like the voice, and remains in the man and establishes a relation with his principles." Further, "This is an infallible voice and must be obeyed. It comes but once and gives directions, and tells you the meaning of your own Ray, points out the path to your own Logos, and then goes away." These four cosmic suns in the Fohatic stream are all working together in union with the central point to impress the Universal Mind of the Divine Thought onto the humanities of the various planets in the manifested solar system. Fohat is the "Word made flesh" on a "lower scale" (meaning the 5th cosmical principle as the reflected 3rd Logos in the Mundane Egg) but also as the "Solar Energy" (meaning the 4th cosmical principle in the Mundane Egg) electrified by the "objectivised thought of the gods."

When it is suggested that most evolving entities cannot see beyond the fourth plane of Cosmic Kama, it must be remembered that such an individual can perceive these upper three logoi in a solar system. They alternate between light and dark just as the highest three logoi of the Kosmos.


H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine (Pasadena: Theosophical University Press, 2019).

G. de Purucker, Fountain-Source of Occultism (Pasadena: Theosophical University Press, 1974).

G. de Purucker, Studies in Occult Philosophy (Pasadena: Theosophical University Press, 1973).

T. Subba Row, Collected Writings (San Diego: Point Loma Publications, 2001).

(Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash)


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